Happy New Year!
I hope you all survived the holiday season and enjoyed the festivities. In the Crafty Cow household, cards have been taken down, glitter vacuumed up & decorations packed away for another year. Whilst I was truly sad to say goodbye to all the colour and sparkle (I LOVE Christmas!), there is something quite satisfying about restoring order and calm to the household at the start of a brand new year. When I say 'calm', I am talking metaphorically in this instance as currently I feel anything BUT calm! Let me explain ...
A couple of weeks before Christmas, it was confirmed that Mr CC had been successful in securing a new job. An exciting new role with his existing Company ... a promotion, no less ... in Arizona ... wait ... WHAT?! Obviously we had discussed at great length when the possibility first arose and we had decided that it would be too good an opportunity to pass up and (hopefully) a wonderful experience for us as a family, but we never really believed it would actually happen! Now that the distraction of Christmas is over and the reality has well and truly sunk in, I am starting to slightly panic about how much there is to do and organise! I seem to be on an emotional see-saw .. one minute very excited and the next utterly terrified - especially at the thought of having to leave beloved friends & family behind. Gulp!
Given all of the above, I have had little time to get any new projects together to share with you, so thought I would share a fun 'Photo A Day' challenge from an Autralian blogger called Fat Mum Slim that I recently came across. You can read all about how it works on her blog post
here but basically it is a series of daily prompts (provided a week at a time) to encourage you to capture a photo a day and record those little moments. For example, the prompts for this coming week are
Mon 5th - Square
Tue 6th - Round
Wed 7th - Currently Reading
Thu 8th - Landscape
Fri 9th - Pattern
Sat 10th - Hello
Sun 11th - I see ...
Have a look at her latest blog post
here for examples. You can play along by sharing your photos on Instagram or Facebook using the hashtag #fmsphotoaday (and search on this tag to see what others have taken if you are nosey like me!) and if you are an iPhone or iPad user you can also download a handy little app called Little Moments which as well as providing you with the daily prompt reminders will also allow you to add fun text and graphics to your photos. Not sure whether I will be able to commit to playing along every day, but will certainly be using the prompts to inspire me with my Project Life photos, which I will
definitely be continuing throughout 2015 as we embark on our American Adventure!
Have a fun photo snapping week! I'm off to clear out the cupboard under the stairs (Harry Potter could be living in there for all I know, it's that long since I last looked!)
Bev x